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Os simpsons-da 1ª a 5ª temporada

1º temporada
1×01 - Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire
Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare

1×02 - Bart, the Genius
Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare

1×03 - Homer’s Odyssey
Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare

1×04 - There’s No Disgrace Like Home
Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare

1×05 - Bart, the General
Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare

1×06 - Moaning Lisa
Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare

1×07 - The Call of the Simpsons
Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare

1×08 - The Tell-Tale Head
Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare

1×09 - Life on the Fast Lane
Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare

1×10 - Homer’s Night Out
Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare

1×11 - The Crepes of Wrath
Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare

1×12 - Crusty Gets Busted
Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare

1×13 - Some Enchanted Evening (Season Finale)
Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare

2º temporada
2×01 - Bart Gets an F
Megaupload - Sendspace

2×02 - Simpson and Delilah
Megaupload - Sendspace

2×03 - Treehouse of Horror
Megaupload - Sendspace

2×04 - Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish
Megaupload - Sendspace

2×05 - Dancin’ Homer
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2×06 - Dead Putting Society
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2×07 - Bart vs. Thanksgiving
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2×08 - Bart the Daredevil
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2×09 - Itchy & Scratchy & Marge
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2×10 - Bart Gets Hit by a Car
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2×11 - One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
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2×12 - The Way We Was
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2×13 - Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment
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2×14 - Principal Charming
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2×15 - Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
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2×16 - Bart’s Dog Gets an F
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2×17 - Old Money
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2×18 - Brush with Greatness
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2×19 - Lisa’s Substitute
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2×20 - The War of the Simpsons
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2×21 - Three Men and a Comic Book
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2×22 - Blood Feud (Season Finale)
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3º temporada
3×01 - Stark Raving Dad
Megaupload - Sendspace

3×02 - Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
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3×03 - When Flanders Failed
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3×04 - Bart the Murderer
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3×05 - Homer Defined
Megaupload - Sendspace

3×06 - Like Father, Like Clown
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3×07 - Treehouse of Horror II
Megaupload - Sendspace

3×08 - Lisa’s Pony
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3×09 - Saturdays of Thunder
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3×10 - Flaming Moe’s
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3×11 - Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk
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3×12 - I Married Marge
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3×13 - Radio Bart
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3×14 - Lisa the Greek
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3×15 - Homer Alone
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3×16 - Bart the Lover
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3×17 - Homer at the Bat
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3×18 - Separate Vocations
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3×19 - Dog of Death
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3×20 - Colonel Homer
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3×21 - Black Widower
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3×22 - The Otto Show
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3×23 - Bart’s Friend Falls in Love
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3×24 - Brother Can You Spare Two Dimes? (Season Finale)
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4º temporada
4×01 - Kamp Krusty
Megaupload - Sendspace

4×02 - A Streetcar Named Marge
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4×03 - Homer the Heretic
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4×04 - Lisa the Beauty Queen
Megaupload - Sendspace

4×05 - Treehouse of Horror III
Megaupload - Sendspace

4×06 - Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
Megaupload - Sendspace

4×07 - Marge Gets a Job
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4×08 - New Kid on the Block
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4×09 - Mr. Plow
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4×10 - Lisa’s First Word
Megaupload - Sendspace - Badongo

4×11 - Homer’s Triple Bypass
Megaupload - Sendspace - Badongo

4×12 - Marge vs. the Monorail
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4×13 - Selma’s Choice
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4×14 - Brother from the Same Planet
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4×15 - I Love Lisa
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4×16 - Duffless
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4×17 - Last Exit to Springfield
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4×18 - So It’s Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show
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4×19 - The Front
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4×20 - Whacking Day
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4×21 - Marge in Chains
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4×22 - Krusty Gets Kancelled (Season Finale)
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5º temporada
5×01 - Homer’s Barbershop Quartet
Megaupload - Sendspace

5×02 - Cape Feare
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5×03 - Homer Goes to College
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5×04 - Rosebud
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5×05 - Treehouse of Horror IV
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5×06 - Marge on the Lam
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5×07 - Bart’s Inner Child
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5×08 - Boy-Scoutz N the Hood
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5×09 - The Last Temptation of Homer
Megaupload - Sendspace

5×10 - $pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)
Megaupload - Sendspace

5×11 - Homer the Vigilante
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5×12 - Bart Gets Famous
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5×13 - Homer and Apu
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5×14 - Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy
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5×15 - Deep Space Homer
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5×16 - Homer Loves Flanders
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5×17 - Bart Gets an Elephant
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5×18 - Burns’ Heir
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5×19 - Sweet Seymour Skinner’s Baadasssss Song
Megaupload - Sendspace

5×20 - The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Megaupload - Sendspace

5×21 - Lady Bouvier’s Lover
Megaupload - Sendspace

5×22 - Secrets of a Successful Marriage (Season Finale)
Megaupload - Sendspace

2 comentários:

yago lompa disse...

irrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...vo baxa todos cah, vo fica 2 mês, mas vo baxa todos!!!!haHIUHiuhauUIAUuuiAH

22 de abril de 2009 às 13:14
Cáh Del Santos disse...

Hey irmão estamos ai pro que der e vierr (8)
Valeu pela visita cara ;D

24 de abril de 2009 às 08:44

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Olá muito obrigada por comentar!

-As postagens foram feitas com total liberdade de cada autor por favor não fale do blog em geral se dirija ao autor da postagem somente.

-Não ultilize palavras bruscas e agressivas com os autores e admins pois isso é crime previsto na lei.

A equipe agradece ;D


Widget By: Cáh